Wednesday, May 25, 2011

EOC: 8 Steps

1. Decide whether to use a probability or nonprobability sampling method. This survey will be a nonprobability survey, convenience sampling. I chose this method to keep the survey cost effective.
2. Define the target population. Women 21- 40
3. Select a sample frame. Selecting a sample frame is only relevant for probability samples.
4. Identify the sample unit. Single or married women ages 21-40 out in the mall or grocery store setting.
5. Plan the procedure for selecting sample units. Select names from sample.
6. Draw the sample. I’ll be asking women around different casino pools.
7. Conduct the field work.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

EOC: Survey Questions

Crush Coolers embodies the small party lifestyle. Simply chill and serve, a pool party must have. Crush Coolers aims to be an expression of individuality and coolness. Not everyone loves a heavy sweet drink. Crush Coolers incorporates flavor without the fuss of multiple ingredients. We’re looking to improve and embrace new dimensions, features, design and affordability. We want to hear what our consumers are looking for when drinking our product. Crush Coolers values its customers. Our goal is to produce a 100 percent consumer satisfying product.

**Without a reliable forecast of total sales for this type of product, it’s impossible to know how consumers will respond to price changes, from which stores they’re likely to buy the product, or to which types of advertising they’ll respond favorably. This survey is an important part of determining our customers’ perceptions of our brand, retail availability, customer service, and the like. This survey will help compare or mix of products and prices to our competitors. The better we understand which factors influence sales, the accurate our predictions of future sales. By conducting this survey, we’ll be able to maximize long-run profits, understand promotional problem solving research, and distribution research.

Have seen any advertising commercials for this product.
Y/ N

Do you drink flavored wine coolers?

3. How often do you drink flavored wine coolers?
A. Daily
B .Weekly
C. Monthly

4. How many drinks do you usually consume at a party?
A. 0-1
B. 1-3
C. 3 or more

5. How important is content in your flavored wine cooler choice?
A. Not Important
B. Somewhat important
C. Neutral
D. Important
E. Very important

How important is smoothness in your flavored wine cooler choice?
A. Not important
B. Somewhat important
C. Neutral
D. Important
E. Very important

How important is price in your flavored wine cooler choice?
A. Not important
B. somewhat important
C. neutral
D. important
E. very important

Does the color and shape of bottle influence your flavored wine cooler selection?
If so, why?

9. How important is bottle aesthetics (ie. Beauty, color and shape)?
A. Not important
B. somewhat important
C. neutral
D. important
E. very important

10. Where are you more likely to drink flavored vodka?
A. Home
B. Restaurant
C. Bar
D. Party
Other (please specify)

11. How do you drink your flavored wine coolers?
A. Straight
B. On the rocks
C. Mixed

12. What is your favorite flavored wine cooler flavor?

13. If you could design your own wine cooler flavor, what would it be?

14. What is your gender? Male/Female

15. In what year were you born?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

EOC: Tax Cuts

Nevadans want to extend their tax cuts but did they accomplish what they were supposed to accomplish? Did the tax cuts help the economy? Tax increases are the last thing Nevada businesses need but is it also the best for the people. Tax increases are the last thing struggling businesses and struggling individuals need. “As Congress winds up for a big debate this fall over taxes, Nevadans in a new poll are sending a strong message: Don't take away my tax cuts.
By a wide margin, Nevada residents say they want lawmakers to continue reduced income tax rates for individuals and other tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003. They will expire at year's end unless they are extended.
Asked whether they wanted the tax cuts to expire or to continue, 61 percent said "continue" and 29 percent said "expire," in the poll taken this week by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and 8NewsNow.
Generally, people responded to the question with an eye on their wallets, which in Nevada these days are tending to be somewhat thin, said Brad Coker, managing director of the polling firm.”
It seems the questions are being presented are questions that the average person wouldn’t understand without research. The survey was made to confuse the people and make them make a simple quick choice on where their tax money is going. The questions should be precise and to the point so people understand what they are voting for.

BOC: Fixing CSN with market research

The College Of Sothern Nevada could use a market research survey to help figure out the issue on why graduation rates are so low. Hiring some of the students from the college or university would be a great way to get the help without spending a lot of money as well as encourage the students to take the survey. Plus, the student pool is continuous, so this avenue is constantly available. The school could put together a group of their marketing students who have completed or are completing a marketing research course and the student could put together a survey to find out the students concerns. “Like many CSN students, Creedon took a while to figure things out. The community college serves all kinds, so there is no such thing as a typical CSN student. But it would not be an overgeneralization to say CSN's students are generally older, poorer, less white and less likely to be from college-educated families than those attending most other higher education institutions.” The school needs to be aware that the problem exists. The problem could lie within the school itself. “Fifty-six percent of CSN's students are first-generation college students, and only 44 percent of the college's 41,000 students are white.” Many of these students do not have the knowledge or guidance structure needed to succeed in a college atmosphere.
Tax cuts to the public education have also taken a toll on the public education system. The student should be able to vote and research where the best place the tax cuts should be placed. “Cuts have been going on since 2007, when the recession really kicked in. State tax money dwindled, and higher education is an easy target. Not only does it take up about 15 percent of all state general fund spending, it's the rare government entity that can raise its own money through tuition and fees.”
Students go to CSN because they want to learn something, get a better education, and end up with a better job. They need to survey the students and the community to see what programs would be most beneficial to the students and the employers.

New Product: Crush Coolers

Crush Coolers is based on the concept, “For fun flirty women, do you have a secret Krush?”
Flirty and fun should not hard to come by. Most women love having fun, shopping for fun and flirty fashion, luxury, make – up, and all things pretty and that make us flirty. For me I’ve always enjoyed being and easy laid back yet flirty and fun.

Crush Coolers is a product that all women would love no matter what their “type” or “style” was my goal, even if they don’t enjoy an occasional cocktail.

Every woman should be able to have sense of flirty and fun in their lives.
Whether women just love the bottles, or maybe the t-shirts and accessories, or even the ads. Krush Koolers is designed to make every women feel flirty and fun.

Crush Coolers is based on all the many things that make my friends and I different yet the same. Fun, Flirty, Sexy, Las Vegas, Rock star, whatever your interest might be we all have one thing in common, Fun! I believe every woman is Fun and Flirty!

*For the relaxed, no fuss, flirty and fun.
*An on the go light beverage
-carbonated with orange, lemon, and strawberry extracts
-no harsh after taste
-drink chilled straight out of the bottle, over ice (can also be mixed)
*packaged in a small glass bottles of 4, or larger bottle of 1
*large bottle sold separately or in casing convenient for parties
*Price Point: $8.99 case/$15.99/large bottle
*Selling, fun, flirty, connivance, and party.
*Sold at specialty Liquor stores (Lee’s Liquor)
also, Walmart, Larger Brand Super Markets
*Our appeal is to the fun of our beverage flirtiness of our bottles. To create the party and have fun.
*Promotion: Sample tasting at the liquor stores, Krush Koolers theme event at night clubs, Three streamed commercials, T-shirts, vintage themed postcards to put in bags at specialty boutiques, as well as a party events at a couple specific boutique locations on Las Vegas BLVD. in Las Vegas, with free decorative bottles to customers and taste testing, and an Ad in Las Vegas Review Journal as well Social Networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and Myspace.

Crush Coolers sells FUN. FLIRTY. PARTY.
Fun design, clear, recyclable bottles, with assorted colored labels for every woman’s appeal. This beverage is a no-fuss way to socialize, relax and have fun. No more mixing drinks, Crush Coolers is light flavored and carbonated. Designed to drink straight with no harsh after taste.

Crush Coolers: “A light, flavored, fun, on-the-go, flirty, carbonated beverage.”
“For the Flirty and Fun woman.”
Experience cocktail hour with fun and no fuss.
Sold in a flirty fun bottle. Dink chilled or over ice.
“Partying never looked so fun.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eoc: Privacy? Is ther esuch a thing as online privacy these days?

For many companies, collecting sensitive consumer information is an essential part of doing business but the companies collecting the data aren’t properly securing or disposing the data. Some of these companies consist of behavioral advertising, children’s online privacy, credit reports, data security, Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, health privacy, and red flag rules. This issue of our personal privacy being leaked across the internet to online firms becoming more controversial. Everyday we hear of numerous consumers’ personal information being mishandled and misused, including the vulnerable population of children. “We have reached a troubling point in the state of business when companies that conduct business online are so eager to make a buck, they resort to targeting our children." It seems that Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.VA., will be introducing an online-privacy bill to let people block firms’ unnecessary collection of data. “Consumers have a right to know when and how their personal and sensitive information is being used online—and most importantly to be able to say ‘no thanks’ when companies seek to gather that information without their approval,” Rockefeller said in a statement. Hopefully, the bill will can bring together a “universal legal obligation” for companies to let consumers prevent tracking. It will also require, “companies to destroy information when it is no longer needed; and give the Federal Trade Commission the authority to enforce the privacy rules.” Consumers deserve the protection they are demanding from the companies.