Wednesday, May 11, 2011

EOC: Tax Cuts

Nevadans want to extend their tax cuts but did they accomplish what they were supposed to accomplish? Did the tax cuts help the economy? Tax increases are the last thing Nevada businesses need but is it also the best for the people. Tax increases are the last thing struggling businesses and struggling individuals need. “As Congress winds up for a big debate this fall over taxes, Nevadans in a new poll are sending a strong message: Don't take away my tax cuts.
By a wide margin, Nevada residents say they want lawmakers to continue reduced income tax rates for individuals and other tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003. They will expire at year's end unless they are extended.
Asked whether they wanted the tax cuts to expire or to continue, 61 percent said "continue" and 29 percent said "expire," in the poll taken this week by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research for the Las Vegas Review-Journal and 8NewsNow.
Generally, people responded to the question with an eye on their wallets, which in Nevada these days are tending to be somewhat thin, said Brad Coker, managing director of the polling firm.”
It seems the questions are being presented are questions that the average person wouldn’t understand without research. The survey was made to confuse the people and make them make a simple quick choice on where their tax money is going. The questions should be precise and to the point so people understand what they are voting for.

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