Wednesday, May 11, 2011

BOC: Fixing CSN with market research

The College Of Sothern Nevada could use a market research survey to help figure out the issue on why graduation rates are so low. Hiring some of the students from the college or university would be a great way to get the help without spending a lot of money as well as encourage the students to take the survey. Plus, the student pool is continuous, so this avenue is constantly available. The school could put together a group of their marketing students who have completed or are completing a marketing research course and the student could put together a survey to find out the students concerns. “Like many CSN students, Creedon took a while to figure things out. The community college serves all kinds, so there is no such thing as a typical CSN student. But it would not be an overgeneralization to say CSN's students are generally older, poorer, less white and less likely to be from college-educated families than those attending most other higher education institutions.” The school needs to be aware that the problem exists. The problem could lie within the school itself. “Fifty-six percent of CSN's students are first-generation college students, and only 44 percent of the college's 41,000 students are white.” Many of these students do not have the knowledge or guidance structure needed to succeed in a college atmosphere.
Tax cuts to the public education have also taken a toll on the public education system. The student should be able to vote and research where the best place the tax cuts should be placed. “Cuts have been going on since 2007, when the recession really kicked in. State tax money dwindled, and higher education is an easy target. Not only does it take up about 15 percent of all state general fund spending, it's the rare government entity that can raise its own money through tuition and fees.”
Students go to CSN because they want to learn something, get a better education, and end up with a better job. They need to survey the students and the community to see what programs would be most beneficial to the students and the employers.

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